When php is used as an apache module it inherits apache’s user permissions i.e.
Now, let’s have a look at the apache php module. But, what if you want to update php version to mac, you can take use of Homebrew or otherwise PHP OSX. Ībove were the steps how you can make your updates on windows. You can confirm the status of your php version by URL. If your server gets restarted successfully then your server php version is upgraded. Variable LoadModule to be //php5apache2_2.dll.Now head over to yourxampp/apache/conf/extra folder. Now copy the new php folder with a command (ctrl+c) and paste (ctrl+v) it into the xampp folder. Otherwise you can use folder name as the version name. Also, keep this in mind your new php folder should not have “PHP” in the folder’s name.
Unzip the downloaded version of the PHP in a different and split folder.
Configuration- Configure your new php version with your xampp. The recommendations are to download the zip version. So, it is advisable to download thread safe binary. If you are currently using XAMPP then your web server is Apache. You can download from here- Be cautious while choosing binary. So, firstly you need to download the required version of php binary. Download PHP– If you are using xampp, it simply means you are using windows system. Follow the steps listed below to update php in your xampp server. Through this blog post, you will come across how you can update php version in xampp. In this situation, sometimes you end up with installing xampp on different port or you can install one xampp and update php. We understand it requires a lot of time to use multiple versions of php for your various projects. As in this blog post of how to update php version in Xampp, we will make you come across the learning’s you were looking for. Your search for the Xampp tutorial has finally got an end.